TOC for They Have To Take You In

Great news! Hidden Brook Press publisher/editor Richard “Tai” Grove is home from his annual Canada Cuba Literary Alliance trip to Cuba. As we speak, he is working on production for the fundraiser anthology, They Have To Take You In. Gord … Continue reading

Cat Sass Reading Series: Gord Bruyere, Katerina Fretwell, Gordon Johnston, Wednesday April 30, 2014, 7-9 pm

Gord Bruyere, Katerina Fretwell, Gordon Johnston Cat Sass Reading Series Barbeside Salon 131 Hunter Street West, Peterborough, On. K9J-2K7 Wednesday April 30, 2014, 7-9 pm Please note! This April 30th event is taking place in Peterborough at The Barbeside Salon … Continue reading