I have short stories in (or forthcoming in) the following Canadian and international anthologies:
“Fires Halfway” appears in Drowning in Beauty, The Neo-Decadent Anthology, edited by Justin Isis and Daniel Corrick, available for pre-order from Snuggly Books.
“A Room of His Own” will appear in Nevertheless: Tesseracts 21, an anthology of Optimistic SF edited for Edge by Greg Bechtel and Rhonda Parrish, available for pre-order on July 23.
A reprint, “One Day I’m Gonna Give Up The Blues For Good” will appear in Prairie Starport, a new anthology in homage to writer and editor Candas Jane Dorsey, due for a May/June release. Below is the wonderful cover of Prairie Starport, plus a new friend reading a copy of Motion Sickness in Zagreb, Croatia!