Appearance at SFContario 4: Nov 29-Dec1, 2013, Toronto, ON

I’ll be at the downtown Toronto Con SF Contario over the weekend. SFContario is now in its fourth year.

SFContario 4 will be held November 29-December 1, 2013 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, 300 Jarvis St, Toronto, ON

I usually take a break to cross the street and wander through the amazing, 100 yr. old Allan Gardens, looking at exotic plants. We used to do that when I was in high school at Jarvis C.I., just up the road.

Allan Gardens

Chan Davis is science guest which is pretty cool and one reason I signed on–the Davises are friends dating back to my youth…a few years back  Aqueduct Press published his collection, reprint stories from the likes of Asimov’s and Analog. I haven’t read them except for one in the short lived but awesome Crank, a long time ago– I look forward to the opportunity to buy the book–hope he brings lots!

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