Pics from Playground Mini-launch in Ottawa

Can-Con 2015

From L to R: Dr. Robert Runté, Melissa Yuan-Innes, Ursula Pflug, Derek Newman-Stille and Claude Lalumière.

Thanks so much to Kate Story, Derek Newman-Stille and Dwayne Collins for their exemplary help putting together the Playground event in Ottawa: help with design and printing of the poster, driving, tabling, postering, being fine company and brilliant panelists, directions and more!! Thanks to Melissa, Robert and Claude for also giving wonderful readings. Claude, amazingly, took the morning bus from Montreal so he could read for us before flying back to Vancouver in the evening!

I couldn’t have done it alone!

Also many thanks to my webmaster Steev Morgan at Brooke Media Arts who works hard updating this site–or doing the updates I can’t manage myself, which are legion!

Michael Callaghan suggests there won’t be a Playground launch in Toronto till January, but we are working on an event for Peterborough. I’m leaning towards The Theatre on King, where our launch for They Have To Take You In last year went so swimmingly. Check back often for deets.

Thanks to Sean Moreland, our excellent table-mate in the dealers’ room, for the photo.

Big thanks to Colleen Anderson, my hard-working co-editor, and to Michael Callaghan at Exile for taking us on.

You’ve all been so great!

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