I haven’t read in Toronto since April and am looking forward to spending time with friends and family. I’ll read from my 2017 YA novella Mountain, shortlisted for the Sunburst, and from Down From, my 2018 release. Down From was published by Snuggly Books, a UK based collective with editors in London, Tokyo and California.
From the TPL website:
Open Mic Night With Special Guests Su Sokol & Ursula Pflug
Tue Jul 31, 2018
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
90 mins
Parliament Street Branch Toronto Public Library
Parliament Street
269 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, ON M5A 2G3
Contact Parliament Street
Phone: 416-393-7663
Join us for a night to remember with literary readings by our special guests, Su Sokol & Ursula Pflug, as well as readings by a variety of talented writers.
If you are a writer who would like to participate in our program, please submit your work in advance to plstaff@torontopubliclibrary.ca
All genres are welcome. Your work should take no more than 5 minutes to read and should be suitable for a library audience.
More info here.