Three stories from Playground on Sunburst Longlist!

It’s both fabulous and unusual that three stories from Playground of Lost Toys have made the Sunburst Longlist. We’re very excited. Karen Abrahamson, “With One Shoe” [Playground of Lost Toys, Exile Editions] Catherine A. MacLeod, “Hide and Seek” [Playground of … Continue reading

Interview in August Lightspeed

My short story Python is live on Lightspeed. This story had been reprinted more than any other piece of short fiction I’ve written, possibly excluding The Water Man. John Joseph Adams was courteous and helpful. He altered the contract so … Continue reading

Python in August Lightspeed

The E-version of the August Lightspeed is available for purchase. I’m in the reprints section with Python, which has been reprinted internationally more than any short story I’ve published other than The Water Man. The August 2015 issue also contains … Continue reading