Derek Newman-Stille interviewed me for his multi-award winning Speculating Canada site. Spec Can: What have you been up to during the COVID-19 outbreak? Ursula Pflug: Folks have told me they feel as though they are living in one of my … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Speculating Canada
Derek Newman-Stille at Speculating Canada has written a wonderful review of Washing Lady’s Hair, my story in Strangers Among Us. Derek writes: Ursula Pflug’s “Washing Lady’s Hair” explores a new drug or medication in a future market called Green. Taking … Continue reading
From Derek Newman-Stille: This week on Speculating Canada on Trent Radio, Ursula Pflug and I talk about the different ways of thinking that Speculative Fiction provides, allowing for nuanced social explorations. We discuss the power of writing as a healing … Continue reading
Derek asked A.M. Dellamonica and me for our favourite reads of the year. Here is the link to our lists. The Jean Rhys and Marge Piercy were re-reads. Speculating Canada … Continue reading
Award winning blogger and academic Derek Newman Stille’s thoughtful inspiring review of The Water Man, a short story which has appeared in Canada (Tesseracts 3 edited by Candas Jane Dorsey and Gerry Truscott); the US (Air Fish, edited by Joy Oestreicher … Continue reading